

Sponsor A Slum Child Appeals

Monthly Sponsorship


Biannual Sponsorship


Annual Sponsorship


You may change a child’s life by adopting one from the slums, giving them an opportunity and a better future. Your adoption will significantly contribute to a kid in need’s ability to experience happiness and optimism. 

Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you to flourish; the ones who accept you for who you are and educate you.

You can Adopt a child’s monthly expenses at £25 per month

Sponsor a slum child

According to a PIDE study report, Pakistan has the world’s second-highest number of out-of-school children. According to the research, about 22.8 million children aged five to sixteen are not attending school in the country.  

Make your contributions towards a noble cause which would help in empowering slum children. 

Sponsor A Gilgit-Baltistan Child

Although Gilgit-Baltistan has a higher literacy rate than the rest of Pakistan, there are still around 22% (125,894) of children who are out of school, as reported by the 2022 survey of Benazir Income Support Program (BISP).

Support our mission to provide these children with essential needs, education, and a chance of a better future. Every contribution counts.

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said, “Allah said, ‘O son of Adam! Spend, and I shall spend on you.’ Sahih al-Bukhari

Noman Class 7
Ali Raza Class 5
Maryam Zafar Class 3
Ahmad Ikram Class 2
Muzamil Class 2
Saif UL Rehman Class 2
Adnan Class 1
Kiran Asif Class 1