SKZ Foundation

Together, Let's Create A Cleaner, Healthier Future.

Your contribution, no matter how small, will directly impact the well-being of these children and contribute to creating a healthier learning environment.

Donate Hygiene kits

At the SKZ Foundation, we believe every child deserves access to quality education and a healthy environment to thrive in. Unfortunately, many children living in slums face numerous challenges, including inadequate hygiene facilities and exposure to unclean surroundings, leading to various health issues.

We are working not only on their education but also on the overall well-being of these children. However, to ensure their well-being and prevent the spread of infections, we need your support in providing essential hygiene kits.

Why Hygiene Matters

Living in unhygienic conditions exposes children to a variety of health risks, including skin diseases, infections, and illnesses. By promoting good hygiene practices, we can enable these children to lead healthier lives and focus on their education without worrying about preventable illnesses.

Our Hygiene Policy

At the SKZ Foundation, we are committed to ensuring the health and well-being of our students. To achieve this goal, we have implemented a comprehensive hygiene policy that outlines our commitment to maintaining a clean and safe learning environment.

Donate Hygiene Kits Boys & Girls

Hygiene Kit For A Girl


Hygiene Kit For A Boy


SKZ Hygeine Protocols

How You Can Help

You can make a tangible difference in the lives of these children by donating hygiene kits.

Each Hygiene Kit For Boys:

Soap  🧼

Hand sanitizer  

Toothpaste and toothbrush 🗞️🪥 

Deodorant  🧴

Face mask   😷

Wet wipes 🧻

Tissues 🗳️

Hygiene Kit For Girls:

Soap  🧼

Hand sanitizer  

Toothpaste and toothbrush 🗞️🪥 

Deodorant  🧴

Face mask   😷

Wet wipes 🧻

Female hygiene products Sanitary napkin

Tissues 🗳️