muharram Interesting facts

Interesting Facts About Muharram

Observed on the 10th day of the first Islamic month, Muharram is one of the most sacred months in Islam. According to Islamic history, several significant events occurred on this day. For instance, on the 10th of Muharram, 1400 years ago, Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was martyred in the Battle of Karbala on this very day.


The Story of Prophet Nuh (AS)

Nuh (AS) was the Prophet of Allah (SWT). He devoted his life to calling his people on the way of Allah (SWT). Only a small number of people believed him and came on the right path; the rest of them remained ignorant. Hazrat Nuh (AS) said:

“My Lord, I called my people day and night, but they only fled from me. When I asked them to seek your forgiveness, they ignored me, covered themselves in arrogance, and refused to listen. I pleaded with them openly and in private, urging them to seek forgiveness from their Lord, who forgives endlessly. I told them He would send rain, increase their wealth and children, and provide gardens and rivers for them.” Quran

Allah (SWT) ordered Nuh (AS) to build an Ark for protection and afterwards send a flood. The rain continued for many months, and only the passengers of Ark survived. From many narrations, we came to know that on the day Ashura, the Ark came to land on Mount Judiyy.

The Story of Musa (AS)

Narrated by Ibn Abbas (RA):
When the Prophet (SAW) came to Madinah, he saw the people fasting on the day of Ashura.

He asked them, 'What is this?'
They replied, 'This is a righteous day; it is the day when Allah saved Musa and his people from their enemies, so Musa (AS) fasted on this day.

The Prophet (SAW) said:
'We have more right to Musa (AS) than you,' and he fasted on that day and commanded the Muslims to fast on it." [Bukhari]

Repentance Of Adam (AS)

It is believed that on the day of Ashura, Allah SWT accepted the repentance of Prophet Adam (AS) from eating the forbidden fruit.

Faith Of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

Prophet Ibrahim’s (AS) father was a well-known idol-maker in the community. Despite his father’s occupation, Ibrahim (AS) rejected the worship of idols from a young age. He believed in the oneness of Allah.

One day, when the townspeople were away for a festival, Ibrahim (AS) took the opportunity to destroy all the idols in the temple. When the people returned and saw the destruction, they were furious and demanded to punish Ibrahim (AS). They decided to punish him by burning him alive. As Ibrahim (AS) was thrown into the fire, he remained steadfast in his faith and reliance on Allah.

At that moment, Allah commanded the fire: “O Fire, Be Coolness And Safety For Ibrahim” (Quran). Miraculously, the fire lost its heat and did not harm Ibrahim (AS). This event also took place on Ashura Day.

Patience Of Ayyub (AS)

On the day of Ashura, it is believed that Allah ended the long test of Ayyub (AS), restoring his family, health, and wealth after he bore it patiently with unwavering faith.

Reward For Sulayman (AS)

Allah granted him a vast kingdom, unmatched by anyone after him, allowing him to command the winds and lead an army of men, jinn, birds, and animals. Sulayman (AS) was also rewarded on the day of Ashura.

Repentance of Yunus (AS)

Prophet Yunus (AS) was eaten by a large whale as a punishment from Allah SWT. In the depths of the whale’s stomach, Yunus realised his mistake and turned to Allah in sincere repentance. He prayed earnestly, acknowledging his wrongdoing and seeking Allah’s forgiveness. He said:

“There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been one of the wrongdoers.” (Quran 21:87)

Allah SWT accepted his repentance and forgave him. After spending 3 days in the belly of the whale, on the day of Ashura, Allah SWT commanded the whale to release Yunus (AS) on shore.

Other Facts

Ashura is the sacred month of Allah SWT.
Giving Sadaqah (charity) to Ashura is equivalent to a whole year’s worth of Sadaqah.
Fasting on Ashura wipes out the sins of the past year.
It is advised to fast even after the day of Ashura.